Put your motoring law knowledge to the test!

Whether your driving license still has that freshly printed sheen, or whether you’ve had to renew your photocard three or four times, here at Vasstech Darlington, we know it’s always good to be reminded of the laws of the road. If you spend a lot of time on the road, driving can start to feel like second nature, which can sometimes lead to complacency.
So no pressure, but to keep you on your toes, we’ve put together a little quiz to put your knowledge to the test. All the questions will be multiple choice and revolve around UK motoring law, and you can tot up your answers at the end.
Best of luck!
How did you do on the quiz? Hopefully, it wasn’t too stressful and maybe even reminded you of some things you may have forgotten. Next time you visit our Darlington garage, be sure to let us know how you scored!
If you need to contact us for reasons other than to boast about your high score, you can reach us here, where we can assist with advice and any car issues you may be experiencing.